Verderan Lalstop g46 wg -tuote


New fungicide for biological control of diseases in foliage and roots

– For efficient control of soil and foliar pathogens on vegetables, berries and ornamentals in open field, greenhouse and tunnels: Pythium sp., Fusarium sp. and Rhizoctonia sp., grey mould and stem canker caused by Botrytis cinerea and gummy stem blight caused by Didymella

– Water dispersible granules which contains the naturally occuring soil fungus Clonostachys rosea J1446

– Safe for growers, consumers, beneficial insects and surrounding environment

– Compatible with IPM programs


Package sizes:

100 g, 1 kg

Instructions for use

Seedling production (fruiting vegetables, leaf vegetables and lettuce, other vegetables, Brassica sp., fresh herbs and ornamentals): Mix into the substrate (20-50 g/m3) or apply by soil drench (50-100 g/100 m2).
Against grey mould: spray the seedlings (0,05 % solution).

Greenhouse vegetables (tomato, peppers, aubergine, cucurbits, Cucurbitaceae): Apply via drip irrigation or by soil drench (20-25 g/1000 plants). Against grey mould or gummy stem blight: spray the seedlings (100 g/30 000-40 000) and the plants after transplanting (250-500 g/ha).

Greenhouse vegetables (Brassica sp., herbs, lettuce and other vegetables): Apply by soil drench or spray after transplanting (10-25 g/1000 plants, dosage by pot size).

Ornamentals (pot plants, cut flowers, cuttings and bulbs): Mix into the substrate (20-50 g/m3) or apply via drip irrigation or by soil drench (10-25 g/1000 plants, dosage by pot size). Against grey mould: spray the plants (100-500 g/ha, 0,05 % solution) or dip the cuttings, transplants and bulbs (0,05 % solution).

Field and tunnel vegetables (Brassica sp., root vegetables, bulb vegetables, green bean, lettuce and other leaf vegetables): Against clubroot (Brassica sp.): apply by soil drench before planting (50-100 g/100 m2) and spray the rows after planting (300-400 g/ha).
Against soil-borne fungal diseases (root vegetables): spray the rows (300-400 g/ha).
Against Fusarium and grey mould (bulb vegetables): dip the bulbs before planting (0,05 % solution) and spray the rows after planting or sowing (Greenhouse or tunnel: 200-300 g/ha, open field: 300-400 g/ha).
Against grey mould (green bean, lettuce and other leaf vegetables): spray the plants (300-400 g/ha).

Berry plants (strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, blueberry, currant, cranberry): Before planting: dip the plants (0,05 % solution) or apply by soil drench (strawberry, raspberry and blackberry: 12,5 g/1000 plants).
After transplanting: apply via drip irrigation or by soil drench (strawberry, raspberry and blackberry: 20-30 g/1000 plants, blueberry: 25-40 g/1000 plants, cranberry: 300-400 g/ha).
Against grey mould: spray the plants (strawberry: 300 g/ha, raspberry: 200-400 g/ha, blueberry and currant: 300-400 g/ha).

 Fruit trees (apple): Against apple canker: spray the trees (300-500 g/ha).

Tree seedlings (Incl. conifer and broadleaf trees): Mix into the substrate (20-50 g/m3) or apply by soil drench (50-100 g/100 m2). Against grey mould: spray the plants (300-500 g/ha).

Golf and sports turf: Apply by spraying or by soil drench (100-200 g/ha).


Safety Data



DENMARK – Borregaard Bioplant ApS

Helsingforsgade 27B, DK-8200 Århus N

DENMARK – Horticoop Scandinavia A/S

Omega 15, DK-8382 Hinnerup

LATVIA – SIA „Baltic Agro”

Bauskas iela 58A-13, Riga, LV-1004

LATVIA – SIA Agrimatco

Tiraines iela 5c, Riga, LV-1058 LATVIA

LITHUANIA – UAB Agrimatco Vilnius

S.Lozoraičio g.19A, LT-53228, Garliava, Kauno raj.,

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